In this course, you are introduced to the complexity and variety of issues in international relations, mass communication and regional studies. However, on completing the course, you are not expeted to have great expertise of all these matters. Instead, you will merely get tuned to the topic and open your mind for further gaining knowledge and skills in order to resolve the problems in the field.

The main aims of this course are both to introduce you to the deep understanding of war and peace, development, regional integration and security, and to make you familiar with different ways to conceptualise and analyse these issues. One of the central messages throughout the course is that different theoretical approaches generate different images of the world that build on particular assumptions.

Therefore, while you may think you know what the current problems of international politics are and how to solve them, one of the aims of this course is to alert you to other ways of seeing things.

This should allow you to make a more confident decision about your own stance towards particular issues and to analyse these issues more thoroughly, but it should also make you question both your own as well as others’ representations of the world.

By the end of this course, you are expected to be able to:

  • Distinguish major theoretical perspectives on international politics, mass communication and regional studies and compare their value for the analysis of specific problems of international politics and mass communication as well as their basic assumptions and the worldviews they generate.
  • Identify main actors in international politics, mass communication and regional studies and relate them to the contexts in which they operate.
  • Evaluate analyses of international politics, mass communication and regional studies from a theoretically grounded point of view.
Картинки по запросу international relations